Hi. Assalamulaikum.
Glad you are visiting this blog. My name is Andri Wibowo from Jakarta. My background is an architect.
This is a blog about my interest in what I learned from Mr. Adam Khoo. The first time I know about Adam Khoo since I was asked by my father to see a preview of the training program organized by Adam Khoo. Then my father asked me to attend the program.
This blog contains notes and articles that will always inspire me to get a great life.
It's not just about money. This is about leadership. It is about the life of every decent person should be obtained. It is about people sharing with each other. And finally wealth is only a result of the habits that we do every day.
Hopefully all the notes and articles on this blog also inspire you to get your amazing life. :)
Best Regrds,
Andri Wibowo
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